Want to hire Elisha?

ez.bookdesign@gmail.comPlease read the notes below prior to inquiring.


Rates: $500 is my starting rate.
Moodboard: Please include a moodboard with your inquiry if you have a visual idea of what you want me to make (links, screenshots, Pinterest board, etc). It helps me immediately know what you're looking for and gives me a better reference for what my rate would be.
Limited availability: My full time job is making covers with Faceout Studio. I'd love to do everyone's project but the reality is I can't take on every job.If you do not receive a response within 7-10 days it may be safe to say I cannot take on your project.
Elisha has worked with large players like:

Penguin, Simon & Schuster, Hachette, Adobe, Amazon, Dropout TV,

but also loves to work with smaller self published authors and everything in between.